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Import 3D model




Menu: CAD-Earth > 3D Models > Import 3D model.


Command line: CE_IMPORT3DMODEL


CAD-Earth version: Plus, Premium.


Command description:


 3D models can be imported from files in different formats (DAE, 3DS, FBX, OBJ). Once the 3D model is inserted in the current drawing as a block, it can be rendered, shaded, copied, rotated, scaled, moved, and measured as a regular entity.


Dialog box settings:





ØName.  This will be the same as the block name. If a block exists in the drawing with the same name, you will be asked if you want to redefine it.

ØDescription (optional). This information will be displayed when exported to Google Earth.

ØFile Path. Path and name of the file being imported.

ØLinear units. The 3D model will be scaled according to the units selected.

ØUp direction in file. The default up direction is in the Z-axis direction. On some file formats, the up direction is in the Y or X-axis direction.

ØMerge coplanar faces. Shared coplanar triangle sides will be hidden if this option is checked.

ØShade model. The realistic mode will be activated to shade the model after importing.

ØFlip texture V coordinates. The default vertical direction for model texture coordinates is in the positive Y axis. If this option is checked, the vertical texture coordinates will be in the negative Y axis direction.




If the model appears to be laying sideways when inserted, you can import the model again selecting the Y or X up direction, or rotate the model until the up direction is pointing in the right direction.

If you need multiple copies of the 3D model in the drawing, it is more efficient to use the AutoCAD COPY command, than to import the model several times, to avoid duplicating the same information.

If the model textures appears to be flipped, you can import the model again, selecting or unchecking the 'Flip texture V coordinates' option as needed.

You can export to Google Earth 3D models imported with this command, along with other existing 3D entities and blocks containing 3D entities in the drawing, using the CAD-Earth command to export 3D models to Google Earth.

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