Navigation: CAD-Earth commands > Mesh commands > Mesh Explorer > Add Terrain Mesh > Selecting objects >





Menu: CAD-Earth > Mesh > Mesh Explorer.

Mesh Explorer node:


Context Menu: Add Terrain Mesh > Selecting objects > Points




Command line prompts:

Select point entities:


CAD-Earth version: Premium.


Command description:


Create a terrain mesh selecting point entities in the drawing, defining properties such as name, description, color, layer, visualization mode, and linear units. You can specify a minimum triangle internal angle and a maximum triangle side length value to refine the mesh boundary.


Dialog box settings:




ØMesh properties. A dialog box will be shown, where you can set the following properties:

Name.  Enter text to identify the mesh. Must not contain the following characters: | * : ; > < ? , = ` \

Description. Enter additional information about the mesh (optional).

Color. Select the color for the mesh lines and vertices.

Layer. Select the layer where the mesh will be created.

Visualization mode. The mesh can be displayed in any of the following visualization modes:

TIN: Mesh triangles with continuous lines.

Points: Mesh vertices will be shown as simple points with no size.

Boundary & Points: Triangle sides that are not adjoined to another triangle will be shown. Internal vertices will be displayed as simple points with no size.

Boundary Only: Only triangle sides which are not adjoined to another triangle will be shown, creating one or several outlines.

Linear units. The distance unit selected will define the mesh scale factor. If the required unit is not included in the list, you can select 'Custom' at the end of the list to define a unit conversion factor.

Linear unit to m factor.  The units of measure used by CAD-Earth are meters, which are converted to the unit selected using this factor to display distance, area,  and volume calculations.

ØRefine mesh boundary. Triangles on the mesh boundary will be removed according to the parameters specified.

Minimum triangle internal angle. (Decimal degrees) Triangles that have a vertex with an internal angle less or equal to the value specified, will be removed.

Maximum triangle side length. (Drawing units) Triangles that have a side equal or greater than the value specified, will be removed.

Erase selected entities. The point entities selected will be deleted if this option is checked.




You can also create a mesh from a XYZ point file.




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