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Contacting Technical Support




If you get any error or have any problem using CAD-Earth, you can contact our technical support department.

It is recommended that you send your request by selecting 'Contact technical support' in the CAD-Earth help menu. This way, information about your computer hardware, Windows and AutoCAD version will be sent to us, with a detailed technical error description. This will help us fix the error in the quickest way possible.


You can select 'Request new feature' in the CAD-Earth help menu if you would like a new function or capability to be included in the next CAD-Earth version update. If you would like, you can attach files to describe our suggestion in more detail (Word©, Excel©, DWG©, image and PDF files preferred).


You can also contact us at the following email addresses:


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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